A question we get asked frequently by our partners is: “How many reader reviews or ratings does my book need to have to get a Featured Deal?” It’s a good question with a nuanced answer, but never fear! Your friendly BookBub Featured Deals editor is here to help. When it … [Read more...]
10 Things to Try If Your Book Doesn’t Get a Featured Deal
If you’re a seasoned veteran at applying for BookBub Featured Deals, then you know the process can be highly competitive. We receive hundreds of submissions per day, and we’re only able to select about 25% of them for Featured Deals. BookBub has always limited the number … [Read more...]
6 Types of Submission Comments BookBub Editors Love to See
If you’ve submitted a book for a BookBub Featured Deal, you’ll know that the submission form includes a field for your comments beyond the standard category, pricing, and availability information you provide about your deal. The comments field is optional, but our editors … [Read more...]
BookBub’s Top-Selling Indie Featured Deals of 2023
As 2023 has come and gone, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate some of the successes our self-published partners saw throughout last year with their Featured Deals. These books were some of the highest performers in their respective categories, and with polished covers, … [Read more...]
How to Write a Book Description: Tips from BookBub Editors
You’ve done it — you’ve written the book, you’ve commissioned a beautiful cover, and you’re ready to start finding readers and selling copies. But wait! There’s that pesky little detail in the process of publishing your book: providing a book description. Figuring out how to … [Read more...]