You’ve polished the final draft of your novel, and now you’re looking into self-publishing — you’re not alone! Over 1 million books were estimated to be self-published in 2017, and that number is only rising. With self-publishing comes a quicker turnaround to hit shelves, deadline flexibility, full control over your own marketing, and a larger percentage of the royalties from sales of your book. If you’re still on the fence about whether to pursue a traditional publishing route versus self-publishing, take our quiz or read an author’s perspective.
But for those who are interested in learning more about the ins and outs of how to self-publish a book (or veteran indie authors who want to hear what their peers have to say about the business), we’ve compiled a flipbook of self-publishing tips from authors who have seen it all. From writing advice to cover design to marketing strategy, these 26 authors have fantastic self-publishing wisdom to share.
Subscribe to the blog to download a high-resolution PDF of How to Self-Publish a Book: Tips from Indie Authors.
Here’s a small sampling of quotes you can find inside:
“The absolute best advice I ever received was not to rush to publication, hire top-of-the-line editors, and get more than one proofreader. We have one chance to hook readers, and presentation matters as much as content.
Whether you offer a book free, at a reduced price, or at full price, it should make no difference in the level of editing your product receives before landing in the hands of readers. Every reader who picks up your book deserves the highest quality in both story and presentation, even if that means waiting to release your story until you can afford proper editing. Errors stop readers while reading, and may also stop them from picking up the next book in a series.” — Melissa Foster, author of This Is Love.
“Focus on your readers, not your sales. When you place your readers first, it means not rushing the story, it means ensuring the experience your readers have is one of full immersion and it means reader loyalty will become your reality. Sales will follow as you grow your readership — but if all you do is try to market your first novel without placing your readers first, your potential readers will turn away.” — Steena Holmes, author of The Patient.
“Look at the bestsellers in your genre. Make sure your cover looks just as good. Make sure your blurb is just as enticing. Make sure your manuscript is edited, proofread, and impossible to put down. With a professional cover, blurb, and story, you’re already ahead of the game. In some genres it also helps to write series. If you write science fiction like me, consider labeling your novel ‘book 1’ and get started on that sequel!” — Daniel Arenson, author of The Requiem Series.
Skim through the flipbook above or download the high-resolution PDF for more book marketing inspiration whenever you need it!
Special thanks to the authors who contributed quotes and guest content to BookBub: Daniel Arenson, Chelle Bliss, Cheryl Bradshaw, Glynnis Campbell, Claire Cook, Adam Croft, Tanya Anne Crosby, Ernest Dempsey, Melissa Foster, Kellie Coates Gilbert, Steena Holmes, Lisa Renee Jones, J. Robert Kennedy, Julia Kent, M. Louisa Locke, Dale Mayer, Patricia McLinn, Deborah Fletcher Mello, Rick Mofina, Ty Patterson, Ana E. Ross, Stormy Smith, Lee Strauss, Alana Terry, Skye Warren, and Lacy Williams.
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