Fall evokes a range of emotions, from the feeling of home that accompanies Thanksgiving to nostalgia for a crisp autumn night. Book covers are all about appealing to emotions like these, and we’ve been able to spot some fall trends that consistently hit home with BookBub readers! Below are five that can help you sell ebooks this fall:
1. Autumn Leaves
Along with cold-weather staples like comfy sweaters and pumpkin pie, many of us associate our favorite fall memories with leaves turning color. Either because of this nostalgia, or because the image of a hillside bursting with color is pretty, covers that depict classic autumnal landscapes often score big points with BookBub readers.

2. Fall Food
Many of the best parts of fall involve eating — think pie, stuffing, and sweet Halloween treats — so it makes sense that BookBub readers scarf down covers featuring classic seasonal recipes. And since many autumn dishes evoke timeless traditions and stir our taste buds, they appeal to a double whammy of the senses.
3. Scary Covers
Depending on their target audience, “scary” covers run the gamut between full-on terrifying (Nevermore) to innocently spooky (The Berenstain Bears Get the Scaredies). But many have at least one thing in common: They drive lots of sales. While it stands to reason that most of these covers appear in genres like Horror and Fantasy, their timeliness around Halloween also lends a degree of crossover appeal (read: the Halloween-themed Erotic Romance BookBub featured last fall).
4. Back to School
Mostly a feature of children’s books, great back-to-school covers play to our sense of innocence and nostalgia — and are often really cute! Especially in the fall, parents are on the lookout for books conveying lessons of friendship and new beginnings, and covers that depict these ideas have consistently outperformed.

5. Cozy Scenes
As is true during any season, covers that tug at our heartstrings play well with BookBub readers. But especially as the weather turns colder, who wouldn’t want to escape to a comfortable chair in front a warm open fire, or a cozy house tucked behind the trees?
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