In 2025, social media has become a near-ubiquitous part of life online, including for authors. We asked more than 850 authors to tell us how they’re using social media, and over 78% reported using at least one platform at least weekly — representing a significant block of time for busy authors. Here’s what else they had to say about how and why they spend time on these platforms, and their advice for fellow authors.
What social media platforms do authors use most?
Meta’s platforms are by far the most popular choices for authors, with more than half reporting using Facebook or Instagram at least weekly. Despite a slight dip in the number of authors saying they plan to keep using Facebook at the same rate in 2025, these two platforms’ popularity remains unmatched.
While most authors will continue to invest in Facebook and Instagram, many also noted that they plan to ramp up on other platforms. In fact, every other platform we asked about seems in store for an increase in use by authors in the next year.
That said, there were some standouts: Bluesky — already the third most-used platform by authors in our survey — seems poised for a big jump in popularity in the upcoming year. 8% more authors plan to use Bluesky at least weekly this year than last year. Authors are also planning to spend more time on video-focused platforms YouTube and TikTok, despite the latter’s uncertain future in the US.
Here’s how many authors reported using or planning to use each platform at least weekly:
- Facebook: 62% in the past year; 60% in the next year
- Instagram: 51% in the past year; 53% in the next year
- Bluesky: 21% in the past year; 29% in the next year
- TikTok: 13% in the past year; 17% in the next year
- Threads: 13% in the past year; 15% in the next year
- X/Twitter: 12% in the past year; 13% in the next year
- YouTube: 11% in the past year; 15% in the next year
- Pinterest: 6% in the past year; 12% in the next year
- LinkedIn: 6% in the past year; 7% in the next year
- Tumblr: 2% in the past year; 3% in the next year
How does platform choice differ by genre?
Facebook is the most popular platform for authors across genres: Half or more of the authors we surveyed in each genre reported using it regularly. Following overall trends, Instagram is the second most popular platform, regardless of genre.
Digging into genre representation within the users of each channel yields more variety. Though Meta properties are the most popular platforms overall, certain platforms are more likely to be used regularly by authors who write in particular genres.
Here are the top genres of authors who most frequently report using each platform:
- Bluesky: Science Fiction, Horror, and Literary Fiction
- Facebook: Women’s Fiction, Religion or Spirituality, and Christian Fiction
- Instagram: Women’s Fiction, Romance or Rom-Com, and Christian Fiction
- LinkedIn: Religion or Spirituality, Literary Fiction, and Nonfiction
- Pinterest: Middle Grade or Children’s, Mysteries, and Horror
- TikTok: Teen & Young Adult, Romance or Rom-Com, and Thrillers or Crime Fiction
- Threads: Horror, Thrillers or Crime Fiction, and Teen & Young Adult
- X/Twitter: Religion or Spirituality, Christian Fiction, and Literary Fiction
- Tumblr: Religion or Spirituality, Literary Fiction, and Science Fiction
- YouTube: Literary Fiction, Religion or Spirituality, and Middle Grade or Children’s
How much time are authors spending on content creation?
Maintaining a presence on social media always requires some level of time investment: More than 90% of authors reported spending at least a few hours a month creating posts for social media.
In the last few years, the popularity of video content, particularly short-form, has exploded. But authors don’t seem to be making the transition to video content en masse; in fact, over half of the authors we surveyed said they spend no time creating videos for social media. This may be partly due to authors’ social media platforms of choice — while some are centered around video, many still cater to image- or text-based posts — as well as the significant jump in time investment required to produce video content.
I’d love to post more videos, but they take time. While it’s quick for me to shoot footage, editing and uploading them needs more time.
For authors who do produce video content, we found that the year they first started publishing has a significant impact on their choice of dedicated video-sharing platform. Authors who published their first book after 2020 were more than twice as likely to use TikTok regularly than those whose debuts were released before 2010. Conversely, authors who published their first book before 2010 were almost twice as likely to use YouTube regularly compared to their post-2020 counterparts.
Here are the percentages of authors who reported using a dedicated video platform based on the year they started publishing:
- Pre-2010: 9% use TikTok; 13% use YouTube
- Between 2010-2020: 13% use TikTok; 11% use YouTube
- Post-2020: 18% use TikTok; 7% use YouTube
What value do authors find in using social media?
The most common reasons authors cite for using social media is to connect with readers — either finding new ones or nurturing the relationships they already have with their fans. Authors noted they often use social media to announce and promote new releases, share writing updates, promote short-term discounts, and interact with readers directly.
Beyond connecting with readers, many authors also reported that they find a benefit in using social media to learn more about their niche in the publishing industry. Diving into platforms where readers discuss books can be a good way to learn about popular genre trends.
Additionally, with so many other authors spending time on social media, these platforms are a great way to connect with other authors for support, cross-promotion, or camaraderie. One author even mentioned they use social media as a way to find services for their business by connecting with artists and cover designers for their books.
Here’s how authors reported using social media for particular goals:
- To reach new readers: 79%
- To build relationships with my biggest fans: 64%
- To connect with other authors: 50%
- To learn about trends in my genre: 30%
- Other: 7%
What are the most significant challenges authors face on social media?
Despite the benefits (and occasionally, the fun!) of using social media, authors face plenty of challenges in trying to use these platforms to support their businesses.
Visibility and discoverability are challenges across the publishing industry, and social media is no exception. Many authors cited obscure algorithms and shifting policies as sources of frustration, noting that it can often feel as if they’re shouting into a void and unsure if anyone — even their followers — will hear them.
What is the point of posting if no one will see it? All the social media platforms I look at now are full of engagement farming and spam — there’s no real ‘social’ in the social media anymore. I miss real connection. Real engagement. And the ability to see the people I follow and be seen by the ones who follow me.
Authors who already have to balance their time between writing, marketing, and otherwise managing their businesses also struggle to find the time to keep up with social media platforms, particularly as algorithms continue to favor frequent posting. Prioritizing content creation requires a significant amount of time, thought, and care, and for many authors, that’s a tough investment to make — particularly when they have books to write.
The biggest challenge is the time I need to spend to make it worthwhile. Making reels is necessary but such a drag! I’d rather be writing. I’ve hired people in the past, but they lack the understanding of my products and/or the skill to make paying someone to create content viable for me.
What advice do authors have for each other on using social media?
Despite its challenges, authors seem to remain convinced of social media’s importance: 79% plan to use at least one platform at least once a week in the next year. Here’s the advice they have to share about how to approach using social media as an author:
Be authentic and have fun.
If it’s not fun, find a way to make it fun. Find a part of your authentic self to share. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes (you will) and have fun!”
Have realistic expectations.
“Give it time. Don’t compare your day 1 to someone else’s day 100.
Consume effective content as inspiration.
Really do your research about what makes good content. Watch a lot of good content too. Listen to all the tips and tricks, and then use them. I spend so much time listening to what other people have to say about crafting better hooks, and I try every suggestion that I think could work for me at least once.
Spend your time wisely.
Don’t spend time on it unless you actually enjoy it. You’re better off writing and publishing than fretting about metrics on a platform you can’t control.
Focus on connecting with readers in other ways you can control.
If we’ve learned anything over the last while, it’s that social media platforms come and go, and we need to build our author businesses around real estate that belongs to us, like our websites and newsletters.
What are your plans for social media this year? Share your perspective and advice in the comments!
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So interesting — less than 15% of authors report using TikTok regularly to promote their books. See what platforms they prefer instead:
@BookBubPartners surveyed 850+ authors about how they use social media: where they focus their efforts, what’s working, and what’s not. Check out the data! 📊