It’s almost every author’s dream: become a bestseller and hit those elusive lists. I’ve been chasing this dream in one way or another since I was a kid and started penning my first stories for my little sisters. But there’s more to becoming a bestselling author than just … [Read more...]
BookBub Case Studies
Wondering if BookBub would help you sell more books and reach more readers? Browse through BookBub case studies to learn more.
How a University Press Boosts Nonfiction Book Sales
A university press publishes a wide range of nonfiction, from interdisciplinary titles to those with more trade appeal. But with such a wide range of subjects, it can be challenging to find the core audience and drive sales for each title. So how does a nonfiction publisher … [Read more...]
How to Amplify a BookBub Deal as a Traditionally Published Author
Several months after the January debut of my novel Here and Now and Then, I felt like things were in a good place — critical response was strong, reader reactions were positive, and sales were at a level that seemed to satisfy my publisher, Mira Books. I'd tried to do my due … [Read more...]
Boosting Sales of Discounted Books with BookBub Ads [Part 2: $0.99+ Books]
Earlier this week, we shared how two authors set up successful BookBub Ads campaigns to promote free books. Today, we’ll cover three campaigns for $0.99 or $2.99 deals. From long-running discounts to limited-time offers, BookBub Ads is a great way to get your book in front … [Read more...]
Boosting Sales of Discounted Books with BookBub Ads [Part 1: Free Books]
Price promotions can be a super effective way to reach new readers and entice them to buy your book. While your first thought for promoting a discount may be to run a Featured Deal, BookBub Ads can also be a great tool for marketing your sale and hitting your goals for a … [Read more...]
How an Author Doubled First-in-Series Sales Using BookBub Ads
Many partners use BookBub Ads to continuously promote first-in-series books. Because you can run ads on an ongoing basis, you can introduce a consistent stream of new readers to book #1 and drive sales for the whole series. Eva Pohler doubled daily sales for her $3.99 … [Read more...]
From a BookBub Featured Deal to a Traditional Publishing Deal
Before Intisar Khanani self-published her YA fantasy Thorn in 2012, she’d queried literary agents, but was eager to get her book into readers hands. Five years, four BookBub Featured Deals, and 1,400+ reader reviews later, Intisar not only has a literary agent, but also a … [Read more...]
How I Rocked an International-Only BookBub Deal
Getting selected for an international-only BookBub Featured Deal might elicit a sigh at first, and it did from me, but there are powerful reasons why an author should be excited about the opportunity. I was, and the promotion paid off! I changed up my strategy a little, … [Read more...]
How I Promoted a Preorder to Launch a Bestselling Book
Before I released Warwolfe, the prequel to my bestselling series de Wolfe Pack, I knew I wanted to aggressively promote this book because my readers had been waiting for it for years. As someone who releases a new full-length book about every seven weeks, I have an entire … [Read more...]
How I Launched a Bestselling Book with a Free Promotion
For the first time in three years I had a new contemporary romance series to promote, Cade Brothers, and I wanted to reach a new audience. I had two goals for the launch of the first book in the series, Tempting Levi: Sell as many copies as possible to introduce the … [Read more...]