Running continuous BookBub Ads campaigns allows you to steadily reach new audiences of book buyers — and you can do so with a low daily budget! Advertiser Marc Jooste manages campaigns for author Baileigh Higgins’s prehistoric postapocalyptic thriller collection Primordial … [Read more...]
6 Ways Your Chirp Audiobook Deal Gets Extra Visibility
Each Chirp featured deal reaches hundreds of thousands of audiobook listeners in our daily deals email — but did you know this email is only one of many places readers can find discounted books on Chirp? There are lots of other ways Chirp surfaces your featured book (and … [Read more...]
5 Tips for Making the Most of your Chirp Audiobook Deal
Running a Chirp deal is a great way to increase revenue from your audiobooks, drive a high volume of sales, accumulate more reviews, and find new listeners. Audiobooks selected as Chirp featured deals are included in daily emails to our listeners as well as prominent … [Read more...]
Boosting Sales of Discounted Books with BookBub Ads [Part 2: $0.99+ Books]
Earlier this week, we shared how two authors set up successful BookBub Ads campaigns to promote free books. Today, we’ll cover three campaigns for $0.99 or $2.99 deals. From long-running discounts to limited-time offers, BookBub Ads is a great way to get your book in front … [Read more...]
Boosting Sales of Discounted Books with BookBub Ads [Part 1: Free Books]
Price promotions can be a super effective way to reach new readers and entice them to buy your book. While your first thought for promoting a discount may be to run a Featured Deal, BookBub Ads can also be a great tool for marketing your sale and hitting your goals for a … [Read more...]
9 Ways to Share Your Favorite Books With Fans
Every author understands the value of people recommending their books, driving exposure via word of mouth and ultimately boosting sales. But what some authors might not know is the value of making book recommendations themselves. Recommending books can be a great way to … [Read more...]