BookBub launched in 2012 with a single product: our Featured Deals Email, which curates the best ebook discounts available each day. Today, we have over 10 million members receiving these emails, and we help our partners sell millions of free and discounted ebooks every year. Featured Deals remains our best-known product, and as a result, it’s easy to assume that BookBub’s readers are only interested in free or discounted books.
However, the data suggests otherwise. We’ve always had a hunch our members buy full-priced books — because when we survey them, almost 75% report that they buy non-discounted books as well. According to the same survey data, the average price of those books is between $6 and $7, with many of our members regularly buying $10+ books.
BookBub now has many tools designed to help authors and publishers promote full-priced books and help readers discover books in new ways, and we’ve been thrilled to see our members respond as we thought they would. We’re driving hundreds of thousands of full-priced book sales each month through BookBub Ads, New Release Alerts, Preorder Alerts, Featured New Releases, and Recommendations.
In the infographic below, we’ve compiled some of the data we have about our members’ full-price buying habits to help you brainstorm ways to promote a new release, second-in-series, or any other title that you may not want to discount.
You can reach BookBub’s readers to promote full-priced books through a few different marketing tools:
- Expand your reach and find new readers by targeting fans of comparable authors with BookBub Ads.
- Alert an author’s BookBub followers to new books through Preorder Alerts and New Release Alerts.
- Submit your new release for a placement in our weekly Featured New Releases email.
- Help fellow authors promote new releases (and grow your own following before your next book launch) by posting Recommendations for their books.
And you can always contact us at to talk about the best way to accomplish your own marketing goals!
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Click to tweet: Do @BookBub members buy full-priced books? (Spoiler alert: YES!) There’s some fascinating data here.
Click to tweet: This is really interesting data about @BookBub readers’ buying habits! #publishing